Primary School Blog

Our Primary School Blog

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School starts at 8.30am. Children should arrive at school between 8 - 8.30. Please do not arrive late as this disrupts assembly.
School ends at 4pm. Children should be collected promptly.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Guy Fawkes in New Zealand

Remember, Remember the fifth of November,

For kiwis, Guy Fawkes has become an occasion signalling the coming of summer and a chance for family and friends to get together and take in the excitement of spectacular fireworks. Unlike other festivals celebrated in New Zealand, Guy Fawkes does not include any special foods nor are gifts exchanged.

Guy Fawkes may be celebrated at home or at large publi fireworks displays at schools, parks and stadiums. These public events enable people to see much more spectacular displays of fireworks, and also have a much higher level of safety than home-based celebrations.
How is Guy Fawkes celebrated in New Zealand?

New Zealanders celebrate the annual festival in the same way as the English do, with bonfires and fireworks lit on the official November 5 night (the only difference being that it’s a lot warmer in New Zealand at this time of year!)