Ice Cream Experiment
What we want to find out: How will the liquid milk turn into a solid?
First we planned out each step of the experiment before we started.
1. Observe the materials.
2. Ask a Question to solve.
3. Make a Hypothesis...I think.....
4. Plan the Experiment.
After shaking the bag for 15 minutes, the liquid milk magically turned into a solid! Then it was time to taste our science experiment!
The children learned that the salt that was added to the ice made the ice melt at a much lower temperature and much faster than without salt.
The salt helped the ice melt faster and at a cooler temperature. This allowed the liquid milk to turn into a solid much faster since the temperature was so cold.
We connected this ice cream experiment to what we do in winter time with the icy roads. When the roads are icy we put salt on the ice to make it melt faster.