Primary School Blog

Our Primary School Blog

If you would like more information about our school or to post an article, please contact Ms Melissa Paterson:

School starts at 8.30am. Children should arrive at school between 8 - 8.30. Please do not arrive late as this disrupts assembly.
School ends at 4pm. Children should be collected promptly.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Welcome Back! Weekly Updates: Nov. 5th-9th

Welcome Back!  I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing holiday!  Listed below are the topics we will be covering during the month of November.

Math: Flat (2D) and Solid (3D) Shapes and Position Words (below, above, next to, etc.)

Please bring in AT LEAST 1 of the following foods for our math lesson this week.  We will be sorting flat and solid foods.  Here are some suggestions for you; but feel free to bring in any food that is a flat or solid shape.
2d vs 3d shapes :)
Triangle- Cheese crackers
Square-Any square crackers, bread
Rectangle-Graham crackers
Sphere – A type of candy
Cylinder – Marshmallows
Cube –Cheese cubes
Rectangular prism-
Cone- Ice Cream cone

As long as the food is one of the following shapes it will be fine :)

- Rectangle
- Hexagon
- Triangle
- Cube
-Rectangular Prism
- Cone

English This month in English we will be working on the following:

Phonemic Awareness: Rhyming Words, Syllables (door-bell has 2 syllables), and Segmenting Words (hand: h-a-n-d). 

Reading Strategies: During story time we will be focusing on Story Elements including characters, setting, problem and solution as well as Sequencing (putting the story in order). 
Spelling: We will be finishing up working with the short and long vowels and begin working with consonant blends (ch, th, nd, etc.) 

Writing: In writing we will be focusing on starting sentences with a capital letter and ending the sentence with a full stop.  We will also be working on using sight words in our sentences as well as sounding out words that are harder to spell. 

Grammar:  We will be focusing on Naming Words (nouns) as well as Capitalization and the word I.

Science: We will continue to study plants and their jobs.  When  we are finished, we will begin our unit on Material Properties.


Spelling Week 7:  This week we will be focusing on the Short and Long U Sound.  Below are the words for the week.  Remember their will be a test on Friday.

Brain Quest Homework Pages:  I will send out an email Monday afternoon with this week's pages!  Remember that you can pick any pages you like!


When dropping your child off at school in the morning, 2 things need to be done.

  1. Shoes are changed from outside shoes to inside shoes.
  2. Bookbags should be taken upstairs and placed along the wall in the hallway.  There will be a sign that says, "Ms. Burnell's class", and that is where you should ACCOMPANY your child to place his/her bag each morning.  
As a school, we are trying to make the end of assembly run more smoothly and get the students into the classrooms more quickly.  Please see me if you have any questions/concerns.  Thank you for your continuous effort to make MIS the best!

Saint Martin’s Day Celebration: November 9th, 2012 at 5pm

Schedule of Events
·       -Arrival at 5pm
·       -Reception 1 and 2 will present a short play.
·       -All students will sing our Saint Martin’s day songs.
·       -We will light all the lanterns.
o  If you would prefer to have a flameless candle and use an LCD light please provide your own.
·       -Everyone will parade through the neighborhood.
·       -We will return to MIS for a bonfire and small party.
·       -The event ends approximately at 7pm.