Parents/Caregivers and Families,
Welcome to
your communication book.
We will use
this to record your child’s reading and for everyday communication. bmburnel@umail.iu.edu .
For whole
class communication I will use email or the school blog; however, if there is
something specific for your child I will use this book. I will check them daily.
In this
book you can:
- Remind me of special upcoming events or dates.
- Request a meeting.
- Record your child’s writing.
- Tell me that another adult will be picking up your child.
I will:
- Write in stationary needs.
- Write in any detentions received that day.
- Tell you about any inappropriate behavior.
- Let you know if your child is receiving a CARE certificate at Friday assembly.
- Inform you of any accidents that happened during the day.
To record your child’s reading:
I encourage
that children of Grade 1 to begin reading at home each night. Reading can be in any language, and it can be
the child listening to a story, reading, or reading together. Every time you
read at home, please record it in their communication book as either “I read”
or “We read”, and your child will receive a point. It is also helpful to me if you ask your child
if they liked the book and indicate their response with a smiley or frown
face. When your child reaches 25 points
they will receive a certificate recognizing their achievement. They will also receive a token for achievement from the CARE program.
Here are some
questions that you can ask your child about the book before, during, and after
reading. This is used to check comprehension
and encourage critical and deeper thinking.
-What reason
could there be…? -When might…?
-How would you
feel if…? -Explain
why this happened.
that…. -What
would you do if…?
-Where could…. -What
helps to…?
that…. -Which
is better…?
-What do you
think will happen…. -What
factors/thing contribute to…?
-Think of a
time when…. -Say
what you think…?
yourself in…? - What
makes people…?
-Decide and
explain…? -What
You can also
have your child summarize or retell the story in order of events.
Thank you for
helping me give your child the best educational experience possible! Let’s have a great year!
Ms. Burnell
**To download and view this letter as a PDF please click the link below.