- There will NO SCHOOL starting December 24th- January 4th. Enjoy the Winter Break! School will be dismissed on Friday, December 21st at 1pm. Please pick up your child promptly at 1pm. After school care will be available if needed. Please arrange for after care if needed BEFORE Friday. Thank you!
- On Friday, December 21st, Ms. Paterson and I will be taking the students Ice Skating for a few hours. Please bring hats, gloves, scarfs on this day. We will also be having a cozy movie and snack after ice skating. If you would like to bring in a class treat, there are 20 first grade students. I will send a form home on Monday if you would like to bring something in for the Holiday Party! We appreciate all you do for the kids and MIS!
- On Tuesday, December 18th we will be going on a field trip to the Mannheim Fairytale Christmas Market! Please remember to:
- Send your child with warm clothes, hats, scarfs, and gloves
- Send your child with a small backpack for water bottle and lunch
- OPTIONAL: Money to purchase a delicious treat!

- REMINDER: All pictures MUST be returned MONDAY, December 17th if you do not plan on purchasing any of the photos. The order forms are inside the picture packaging. Please email me if you have any questions.
- Spelling: Double Vowels
- We will continue with the Double Vowels Rule since I was out sick last week....I will NOT test the students this week on how to spell the word; however, I will be having the students sort the words into categories (Short a, Long O, etc.) just like they do for homework.
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/116136604/Double-Vowel-Sort-Hw
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/116136621/Parent-Guide-Double-Vowels