Primary School Blog

Our Primary School Blog

If you would like more information about our school or to post an article, please contact Ms Melissa Paterson:

School starts at 8.30am. Children should arrive at school between 8 - 8.30. Please do not arrive late as this disrupts assembly.
School ends at 4pm. Children should be collected promptly.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Weekly Updates: November 26th-30th
  • Hope you all had a great 2 day mini-holiday!
  • On Thursday, November 29th, our class will be performing the Silent E song at Assembly.  I sent home the lyrics last week, and I hope your children have been practicing!
  • Skills to focus on at home for EXTRA PRACTICE
    • Sight Words: (Use the Rainbow List that was sent home...if you have not received it yet I will send home on Monday in your child's Communication Book.
    • Reading Leveled Readers each night----Each week your child will be sent home a bag that has 2 books in it.  Please read each night and return Baggie Book each Friday.
Keep up the GREAT work!

  • Last week we had a yummy math lesson in which we sorted 2D and 3D food into either Flat or Solid shapes.  The children greatly enjoyed this lesson!