Primary School Blog

Our Primary School Blog

If you would like more information about our school or to post an article, please contact Ms Melissa Paterson:

School starts at 8.30am. Children should arrive at school between 8 - 8.30. Please do not arrive late as this disrupts assembly.
School ends at 4pm. Children should be collected promptly.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Create a Coat of Arms

In social studies this week we are learning about the middle ages. How life was different, where people lived,  how life was different. For this unit the children are allowed to bring in items from their home that are related to this theme. Last year we got a Lego castle. For this unit children are allowed to bring in (blunt) swords as long as they stay in their bags until social studies time.

Today we made a class coat of arms. We talked about them and if you would like to make one for your family here is the website we made our class one on.

If you do make one please print it and send it to school on Monday or Wednesdays to share in social studies time.

Melissa Paterson