Primary School Blog

Our Primary School Blog

If you would like more information about our school or to post an article, please contact Ms Melissa Paterson:

School starts at 8.30am. Children should arrive at school between 8 - 8.30. Please do not arrive late as this disrupts assembly.
School ends at 4pm. Children should be collected promptly.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Oct 13th First Grade

Hello All of First Grade,
I attached this to both classes as over the last few weeks we have done a few things together and I would like you to have the opportunity to view the photos of your children.
The last few weeks we have been finishing off our single letter sounds. The students have been taking charge and even begun to do my job of leading the spelling chant!
Next week we will begin on the digraphs (2 letters making one sound - sh, ch.)
In science we began our plant unit. We planted some bean seeds in cotton wool and watched them germinate. We then discussed the needs of plants and decided that the next step was to replant them in some soil. We then talked about what they need now and decided on a sunny spot on the window sill for them to have sunlight and came up with a watering plan to make sure our plant were getting the right amount of water.
We watched a youtube video of a bean seeds growth (see link below.)

We built a plant and named in English and Deutsch the parts of a plant and then talked about the jobs that each part has.

We began an experiment to show the stem 'sucking up' the water.

We then at the end of the week acted out with our bodies the stages of a seeds growth.

Also in your children's bag you will find a small colourful bag. It will already contain some seeds. I have asked the children to look around their home to find more seeds. Please help them to complete this task.

This week we have began our Geometry unit on shapes. We sorted the shapes in to 2D and 3D and talked about the differences. We then looked at the features of 2D and 3D shapes (edges, corners and faces.) We then looked at the different types of faces 3D shapes had (circle, triangle, rectangle, square) by making and counting them. We also traced them on to paper.
We also continued our work in numeracy by introducing some card games to practice their numeracy knowledge. All of the children really enjoyed these games and we will continue using these. We had one inventive student who came up with his own versions of the games. :)

First we practiced using the toothbrush to flick paint onto our pages.

Then we used stencils to create a work or art using 3 colours of our own choosing.

The children really enjoyed this art project. They created very nice pieces of art and used a great range of colours. I hope to find some time to do this again!  

Thank You!
I want to add a special thank you on here for all the parents who are supporting our class in various ways.
Siegling Family - Donating tissues
Muhor Family - Donating glue sticks and coloured paper
Himmelsbach and Messow Family - Making bean bags
Himmelsbach Family - Donating playing cards
David Astaree - For being our class 'Parent Representative'

I have had so much support this year that I hope I have not forgotten anyone!

I am sorry that I have not sorted out our EDMODO problem. I have not forgotten but with all the teacher absences these last few weeks alot of my prep time has been used covering classes.

Also our baby photo competition begins Monday.

Also here are some iphone applications that I have tried and liked and would recommend for 1st Graders. I will continue my search and add them on the blog as I find appropriate applications. I do not have an ipad but am sure some of these games would also be available on ipad and other electronic devices.

Have a great weekend!
See you all on Monday.

Miss Paterson
(This is my mum and I in Australia.)