Meet your Teachers: Ms. Burnell & Frau Edinger
My name is Brittany Burnell, and I would like to share a few details about myself. I just moved to Germany this July from Chicago, Illinois USA to be with my boyfriend, Jochen, after a long two year long distance relationship. I met him when he was studying abroad at University in America, and we have been together ever since. I was educated at Indiana University, and this will be my second year teaching elementary students. I am truly blessed to have been given this opportunity to work at MIS with such a diverse student body. My last teaching assignment was in an inner city Chicago school in a Kindergarten classroom. This experience taught me how to handle all types of learners and help them reach their learning potential. In my spare time I enjoy the outdoors, sports (playing and watching), camping, and spending time with my family and friends.
Ich heiße Dana Edinger und unterrichte Deutsch, Social Studies
und Bilingual Math in Ms Burnells erster
Nach meinem Abitur in Viernheim arbeitete ich zuerst ein Jahr
als Tagesmutter. Im Anschluss daran entschloss ich mich an der Berufsakademie
Mannheim die Fachrichtung Dienstleistungsmarketing zu studieren. Diesen dualen
Studiengang in Kooperation mit der Vanguard Autovermietung schloss ich mit als
Diplom Betriebswirtin (BA) ab.
Noch während meiner Diplomarbeit bewarb ich mich an der
Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg, um das Lehramt für Grund – und Hauptschule
mit den Fächern Deutsch, Englisch und Biologie zu studieren. Durch mein
Erststudium war es mir möglich, schon während des Lehramtsstudiums als Lehrerin
zu arbeiten.Von 2009 bis 2012 war ich an der Carlo – Schmid – Schule Mannheim im Berufseinstiegsjahr, im Berufsvorbereitungsjahr und an
der Wirtschaftsrealschule tätig.
An der Metropolitan International School arbeite ich seit
Juni 2012 und übernahm hier zuerst die 3. / 4. Klasse in allen
deutschsprachigen Fächern. Seit September unterrichte ich nun ihre Kinder und
bin sehr glücklich darüber.
Please contact Ms Burnell or Frau Edinger at or if you have any questions, comments or concerns about our class. We look forward to a successful school year!
Welcome to Our Classroom!
Welcome to Our Classroom!
12th, 2012
Parents/Caregivers and Families,
am pleased to welcome you all to First Grade at MIS! I look forward to an exciting year together
here at MIS. I hope that the following
information clarifies a few questions that you may have. Ms. Paterson and I are working very closely
together so that both first grade classes stay on the same topics and units of
study throughout the school year.
will be communicated to you each week in via email & also posted on the
Primary blog.
on the blog will be photos of your children participating in class activities
and around the school. The blog is available to the public through the school
website. The photos will not have
your child’s full name attached to them.
Please let me know if you have any objections to photos of your child
being posted on the blog.
would like to share a few details about myself. I just moved to Germany this
July from Chicago, Illinois USA to be with my boyfriend, Jochen, after a long
two year long distance relationship. I
met him when he was studying abroad in America at University, and we have been
together ever since J I was
educated at Indiana University, and this will be my second year teaching
elementary students. I am truly blessed
to have been given this opportunity to work at MIS with such a diverse student
body. My last teaching assignment was in
an inner city Chicago school in a Kindergarten classroom. This experience taught me how to handle all
types of learners and help them reach their learning potential. In my spare time I enjoy the outdoors, sports
(playing and watching), camping, and spending time with my family and
*Please find attached the
children’s weekly timetable.*
Grade Program:
the first two weeks, your child is adjusting to our class routines and rules,
organizing his/her materials, getting to know each other, and demonstrating
his/her current knowledge in the core subjects, such as Math and Language.
school operates a positive reinforcement program called CARE.
• The program is based on the four
attributes of Citizenship, Achievement, Responsibility and Effort.
• These four categories all have
skills, which the students are aware of that they can work towards.
In recognition of achieving these skills students are rewarded with tokens
which we hope will ultimately lead to Gold awards.
written on the board (warning)
next to their name.
cross next to name and verbal warning
– Detention consist of 15mins of tidying up the playground with a duty
teacher wearing a safety vest at their lunch playtime.
you have not already done so, please be sure to purchase the students school
supplies no later than the 3rd week as we will begin to use these. Please label
ALL materials with your child’s name.
Many of you already have sent in your supplies and had them pre-labeled.
Thank you. This saves a lot of time organizing supplies.
INFORMATION: Scolaflex-Tafelset
have had a lot of questions about this supply.
It is used in place of the whiteboards. The whiteboard markers run out very quickly
and in our ‘Word Works/Spelling’ program we use the whiteboards daily. I understand that this resource is
particularly expensive, and if you do not wish to purchase this resource that
is ok. I have a class set of white
boards available to the students, but they will need more whiteboard markers
throughout the year.
blog and email will be the schools main form of communication.
check the blog weekly as I will put updates of important events, photos,
reminders, and the suggested weekly ‘Brain Quest’ pages on there. Also, your child will also have a
communication book which travels between home and school each day. Please use this book to inform me of any
changes to who will pick your child up. I
use this for child specific information, such as stationary needs, behavior
issues, or requests for a meeting. I
encourage the children of Grade 1 to begin reading at home. Reading can be in any language, and it can be either
the child reading, listening to a story, or reading together along with you. Every time you read at home, please record it
in their homework book as ‘I Read’ or ‘We Read’ and your child will get a
point. When your child has 25 points they will receive a certificate
recognizing their achievement. They will
also receive a token for achievement from the CARE program.
free to visit the classroom and contact me at school or via email if you have
any questions or concerns and I will gladly set up an appointment to speak with
Brittany Burnell